The Benefits of Using Insurance Agency Software

Working in the insurance agency requires agents to be on point constantly. It’s a fast moving and very intense field. Before the dawn of modern technology, a lot of very complicated tasks and communications were relegated to multiple devices and much of it was done by hand. As the industry becomes larger and more complex, there’s an almost palpable need for the best insurance agency software possible.

Enter QQCatalyst, a fully cloud-based management software that combines all of today’s modern technology with a fully capable platform that is constantly growing and evolving. It truly is the future of insurance and your company can start using it immediately. You may be wondering why an agency would need software like this, obviously productivity benefits from a digital insurance management program, but what else can, and will, improve? Let’s find out.

Why Your Agency Needs Management Software Today

We all remember how much the industry changed when Microsoft Excel hit the mainstream. Another breakthrough has come that can immensely benefit any and all insurance agencies. In today’s industry, many agencies are using a general customer relationship management (CRM) tool that works just fine for them. In many cases, they don’t see the need for specialized programs specifically for insurance.

Imagine a software that knows exactly what forms you need and what information needs to be placed into them. A program that is always one step ahead of the process and ready to deliver you and your agents the documents, information, and capability they require. This alone is a massive increase in efficiency and productivity.

Of course, there’s concerns that software like this may be difficult to learn and require an upgrade in hardware across the agency to support the more taxing software. Modern programs however can run in a cloud-based setting where any device with an internet connection can access and use the program without the need for increased hardware power. In addition, agents who have been in the industry for some time will be able to pick up the software with minimal training.

If any training is required to become familiar with the program, most software will also include a tutorial to help ease them into the new structure. Most of all though, the program will show the agency new ways to streamline their daily tasks.

With everyone using the same software, communication both internally and externally also gains a great boon. Things like deadlines, memos, and form status. All of these things can be accessed by everyone at once. Clients can be contacted via email or in the case of QQCatalyst, via SMS text messaging. This feature alone places our program ahead of the curve in a big way.

A general CRM won’t be up to date with terminology and policy information either. This lack of key information can result in miscommunication and delays in information that wouldn’t be a problem using a more specific solution. Since brokers and agents also tend to deal with multiple insurance companies and policies, a capable program made for insurance agencies will also help them compare these rates and policies far more quickly.

Taking a client’s policy information and putting it into one of these programs will allow for a lightning-fast turnaround that results in them providing the information much faster than other agencies.

The Ultimate Insurance Software Solution

When it comes to running an insurance agency, efficiency is the name of the game. Saving time and money is only surpassed by increasing the satisfaction of trusted clients. You don’t have time to fill out forms by hand and organize hundreds of pages of policies and documents. Today’s world is competitive, fast, and unrelenting.

Don’t let your agency fall behind, join countless others in embracing a new era of ultimate efficiency through QQCatalyst. With a full suite of features catered to the major parts of an agency’s business, there is nothing this program cannot do. With an open API structure, our cloud-based program also offers an app marketplace with additional tools and widgets to further the efficiency of the program.

To give you a better idea of what this program can do you for and your agency, let’s take a look at the features it offers:

  • No Software to Install – QQCatalyst is a web-based program that runs via a cloud connection. This means no upgrades to your hardware or mobile devices. All they need is an internet connection.
  • Streamlined Dashboard – with a full library of widgets and feature support, the dashboard of our program provides you with a fast and efficient look at your business anytime you need it.
  • ACORD Form Support – With an insurmountable number of forms to fill out, our program provides you with the ability to map information directly to the forms to avoid dual entry.
  • We Speak Your Language – Our user interface can be switched between English and Spanish on the fly.
  • Guided Workflow – Our program can create guided step-by-step tutorials for adding contacts, creating policies, and plenty more.

These are just some of the many features that QQCatalyst can offer you can your agency. Visit our website today to learn how we can propel your agency to the next level.