Commercial Insurance Solutions

When we discuss the concept of anything commercial, we think of something on a grand scale. Something that can be distributed across a wide company or companies that is useable by everyone within. Commercial insurance solutions in particular are hard to come by; mostly because they don’t truly mean “solution” when they use the term. A solution should be all-encompassing and unrivaled.

With that in mind, we offer a true solution for all of your agency management needs on both an individual and commercial level. Our solutions represent an industry supported, cloud-based solution to all of your insurance management needs. Today, we’ll explore some of the unique characteristics that make QQSolutions the premiere choice for agency management software.


Why Choose QQ Solutions?

With over twenty-five years in business, we bring a significant amount of talent and know-how to the table. With 65 full-time employees, we have grown to serve over 5,000 agency customers with our top-of-the-line, cloud-based software. Our most popular solution, QQCatalyst, is used by hundreds of agencies who are seeing the true efficiency and power that our software offers.

Here are five key reasons why we are the only solution for your agency:

1. We Understand the Language of Insurance

Our entire team is composed of dedicated people who have real experience in the industry. The entirety of our Customer Success Manager team is made up of people who are licensed agents that have worked with insurance for years. All of them are up to date on the latest best practices and are focused on bringing success to our clients.

2. A Rock-Solid Infrastructure

The software we offer our clients is stored in a state-of-the-art Tier IV data center. The SLA-backed online data hosting services we employ, along with the top-tier security from the cloud, combine and protect every facet of your client’s information and provide you with peace of mind.

3. The Software is Ours

In a world where outsourcing is fast becoming the standard, we refuse to compromise on quality. Every piece of the QQ Solutions software was built in-house using our talented staff and developers.

4. Our Online Training and Support is FREE

When you work with QQSolutions, you are joining a team that is dedicated to your success. We offer unlimited support over the phone and online for our clients.

The future is now. We offer the ultimate insurance solutions here at QQ Solutions. Join us today to join the future of insurance agency management.