Why All Agencies Need Software For Their Insurance Agents

No matter how quickly and efficiently an insurance agency functions, there’s always room for improvement. Increasing client demands are constantly bringing along new needs for innovation and intuitive processes. The phrase time is money is certainly applicable here. Luckily, technology provides software for insurance agents to fill this gap and maximize time efficiency.

If we consider how much time it takes to search for, fill out, and file a form, we realize that it’s substantial. If we add up that time across a month’s worth of work, you may be surprised how much time is wasted on inefficient methods. QQSolutions has come forward with an innovative new software that cuts out the wasted time and provides you with everything you need in one place.


The Power of QQ Catalyst


Cloud-based insurance software is the way of the future. With the multitude of ACORD forms and daily tasks across all manner of clients, there’s simply no way to keep track of everything by hand. With this type of software, there’s no need for installations, new hardware, or costly training.

Everything is stored safely in a cloud server which leaves you with peace of mind knowing that your client’s information is safe and sound. You’ll find a number of insurance agency software solutions on the market, but none of them match the power and innovation that is QQCatalyst. Let’s explore some of the ways that this program is changing the industry for the better.


1. An Intuitive and Easy Interface

When someone is told they are learning a new software, in many cases it brings up feelings of nervousness at the thought of trying to learn a new program. With QQCatalyst, the process is simple. Our program is designed to be user-friendly and appear as second nature to an experienced insurance agent.

We pride ourselves with providing a cloud-based program that can be learned in minutes and save countless hours of time in the long-term.

2. Work Anytime, Anywhere

The cloud-based nature of our software means that you can access everything on any device that has an internet connection. There’s no program to download, no confusing installs and no wasted time. You simply login to the program on any device and pick up where you left off. Now you can be available for clients and spurts of inspiration at a moment’s notice.

3. Universally Supported

As we all know, the use of ACORD forms is a universally recognized format for insurance paperwork. This industry standard is supported by QQCatalyst in addition to IVANS support. Possibly one of the best features is the Catalyst API. This aspect of the program allows developers to create their own apps to be displayed in the Catalyst Marketplace.

4. Continued Support and Expansion

Continuing from the previous point, the API structure allows trusted partners to create new and exciting apps that can be added to your Catalyst program. These apps offer a number of expanded features that allows the program to evolve and update constantly. It is through this, that our software continuously provides the latest features that the industry can offer you.

Take for example the Bluewave VOIP app that is currently available in the marketplace. This ingenious extension to QQCatalyst allows you to link your phone to the program and see all of a client’s information on your screen before you answer a call from them! A quick refresh allows you to be on point when speaking with them.

In addition to all these things, we are constantly updating the program ourselves. Each new update brings innovative additions and expansions to the platform.



One Solution for All of Your Needs


A web-based solution is within your reach. Software for insurance agents is taking the world by storm and showing agencies how easily they can take advantage of technology to bring about a massive increase in productivity. Without the need for new hardware, there’s nothing stopping you from having this power at your fingertips.

The program adapts to the way you work, filling out ACORD forms automatically while keeping all of your files safe and secure in a cloud server that isn’t affected by device failures or power outages. Answers to all of the questions you may have are within the program. Built-in training allows your agents to be shown the intricacies of QQCatalyst without ever having to stop what they are doing.

Even more features come included, such as the ability to switch instantly between English and Spanish. With the Stack feature, you can also save your work and pick it up again on a different device or at a later time. If all of these things sound like the perfect solution for your company, visit us today to learn how QQCatalyst can benefit you and your agents.