What is The Best Insurance Agency Software?

The world is spiraling towards an all-digital age where the only time we use a paper and pen is when our tablet is dead and we need to write a grocery list. Massive companies and insurance agencies are still using traditional methods of management that bog them down and reduce the potential of their business. Efficiency can only be maximized when the work process is streamlined to a fine point.

Your agency may be asking itself what is the best insurance agency software and while many companies will offer you various options, the true choice lies within the powerful cloud-based software offered by us at Vertafore. Of course, such claims must be backed with evidence and facts. Luckily, we have plenty of both.

Our Top Five Reasons Why Vertafore Software Solutions Are Right For You

Before we dive into the technical aspects of our powerful and innovative QQCatalyst software, we should examine how the very concept of an agency management system can help you grow your agency, expand your client base, and work faster and more efficiently. It sounds impossible, but in this age of technology it is anything but.

1. Insurance is Our Language

In 1988, QQSolutions began its first steps in the form of a senior class project from Mark Malis in his college computer class. For his project, he created an agency management software programed entitled AutoFile, a program which his father Gerry used at his auto insurance agency. This humble beginning of our software solution was developed on a 25-pound “laptop” and the source code was stored on a litany of 5.25” floppy disks.

From these humble beginnings, we have grown into a company comprised of 65 full-time employees all dedicated to providing the finest agency management software available. Our team of Customer Success Managers are also licensed insurance agents who have plenty of past experience and success in the industry. We bring our past success and our future innovations to you with every passing day.

2. Rock Solid Security

Our software solutions are entirely cloud-based, hosted by our partners as Microsoft and Amazon and resting safely within their clouds. Every hour of every day our software is monitored within their world-class, highly secure data centers. Security is a major focus for us and for our clients. We take the safety of your data very seriously and our security measures reflect that. In addition to ease of use and total control, you can also rest easy knowing that your client’s information is safe and secure.

3. Homegrown Software

We don’t commission others to build our software, we do it ourselves and we have been for the last 26 years. QQCatalyst represents the finest in modern technology and total automated efficiency. Our goal is to eliminate all of the unnecessary work in your agency’s daily activities and leave you with the time and power to better serve your clients and pursue new leads. With software that was built by our own hands, we continue to improve on it with continuous updates that add new and exciting features.

4. Professionally Focused

The problem with major corporations is the miles and miles of red tape between you and your solution. Here at Vertafore, we are focused on bringing down those needless obstacles by putting specialized processes and procedures in place to optimize our daily activities. We take feedback from all of our clients and incorporate it into forthcoming updates. A massive portion of our revenue is dedicated to developing new updates, investing in R&D, and constantly improving our offerings.

5. Constant Support

We offer constant support via phone by calling our dedicated support line. We are available Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 7:00pm EST; you can also submit a support ticket via our online support system during overnight hours. With recorded webinars, how-to-videos, searchable databases, and a support portal, there’s no limit to the resources at your disposal. This support is provided free of charge and is always available to our clients.

The Ultimate Game Changer: QQCatalyst

As the name suggests, our Catalyst program will set fire to your results. We remove the need for paper documents and cumbersome software. Our proven solution is completely cloud-based, able to function on computers, mobile devices, and tablets with ease. The flexible user interface incorporates quick summaries and detailed reports into one program. With a built-in training program, all of your agents can be trained in the use of the new software in little to no time. The list of features is endless, and with an open API architecture, we also offer an app marketplace that allows you to custom tailor your Catalyst experience and expand it to meet all of your needs.

Here at Vertafore, we’re focused on making your business simple, paperless, efficient, and able to grow to its potential and beyond. Visit our website today to see how we’re changing the face of the industry with the best insurance agency software: QQCatalyst.