Why Your Insurance Agency Needs a Mobile Strategy

Going forward, you won’t succeed without a mobile strategy. Find out how to create a mobile strategy for your agency in this post.

You won’t be successful without a mobile strategy. Do you think I’m being overly dramatic? Well, perhaps. But, here are some facts and figures that back me up.

According to Boston Consulting Group, the growth of global Internet will be driven predominantly by mobile users. 54% of US mobile subscribers now have smartphones and 14.6% of all US Web traffic now comes from smartphone users.

The increasing importance of having a mobile strategy

And, the tablet is dramatically accelerating the growth of mobile. According to comScore, “In less than 2 years, nearly 40 million tablets were in use among mobile subscribers in the U.S., outpacing smartphones, which took 7 years to achieve the same level of adoption.” In a few years, the number of mobile devices will dwarf the number of PCs. Yes, the tablet has made its mark and it’s here to stay. I believe it will ultimately replace the desktop PC. These statistics show that mobile is a medium we must start leveraging more effectively.

And, your customers today are doing everything on the go, from comparing home insurance coverages to requesting online quotes for car insurance. In fact, according to comScore, over 80% of auto insurance shoppers go online for a quote!

Your mobile strategy should extend to your employees and operations as well. A new generation will be entering workforce for whom a desktop computer is a quaint relic of their parents’ generation. They are not only completely comfortable with mobile technology, they bring their own devices to work. BYOD or bring your own device to work is an important trend in IT these days.

So, your customers and, just as important, your employees will be using tablets and similar devices. Therefore, so must your agency, if you expect to engage with your customers and hire and retain the best talent.

What does this mean for your insurance agency? It means that if your customers are using their mobile devices to search for insurance, learn about your agency, request a quote, etc., then you should be targeting mobile users as well. Here’s how:

  • Ensure your website is mobile-optimized. Test the experience out for yourself by pulling up your agency’s website on your phone. How does it look? Then, try to complete any calls-to-action on your own site, such as requesting a quote. How does the form display? Was it easy and quick to complete? If not, you may want to consider re-vamping your website to be more mobile-friendly, and/or create an alternative mobile version. In addition, make sure any marketing emails you send out are also optimized for mobile devices.
  • Incorporate your mobile device into your sales pitch. Tablets, such as the iPad, are a great way to talk a potential customer through a presentation over coffee or lunch, or in their home. You can also use it to provide the client with custom quotes on the fly, without losing the momentum and their interest when you are not available.
  • Utilize a mobile agency management system (mAMS). QQ Solutions’ revolutionary mobile agency management system, QQ Catalyst, is completely Web-based and works on any device, including tablets, Macs, PCs, iPads, Android devices and more. With its open API, it also supports smartphone apps. In addition, Catalyst allows you to see your business at a glance with its innovative dashboard, and make real-time updates to clients’ policies anytime, anywhere. Catalyst has features designed specifically to faciliate mobile use, such as its Stack (Patent Pending), Notification System, cloud file manager, and more. Discover the many ways Catalyst can give your agency a competitive edge by requesting a demo.

The mobile agency management system - QQ Catalyst

A mobile strategy is a necessity for your agency. These are just some ideas to help you get started. And, I’d love to hear what your agency is doing to go mobile. Please share with us by posting a comment below.
