Celebrate Small Business Week with QQSolutions

Although we are proud of our products and technology, nothing matches the pride we have in providing real solutions and world-class service to our customers every day. Our customers come from all over, but there is one thing they all have in common: they are all small businesses/agencies that are dedicated and passionate about serving their customers.

With Small Business Saturday coming up this Saturday, November 26th, we want to highlight a few of our own customers and take a look at what it’s like to run a small agency.

All of the featured agency presidents and owners have been in the industry for over 20 years and continue to love what they do. Here’s what they had to say about owning a small agency and what they love most about it:




If you are looking to participate in Small Business Saturday, there are a few ways you can support your own local small businesses. We encourage you to shop locally and celebrate your small businesses – including these insurance agencies! As a consumer, you play a key role in helping small businesses thrive in your neighborhood and community.