Is Your Agency Management System Making This Security Mistake?

Today’s technology empowers insurance agencies to make significant and positive changes to their business. The rise of the agency management system has opened up numerous possibilities which has created a modern era of efficiency and accuracy. With advances in technology, cyber security is also fast becoming a major focus for all industries that store information online.

At QQSolutions, we utilize only the most trusted solutions for all of our security needs. If you haven’t switched to a management system because of security reasons, not only are you limiting your agency’s efficiency, but you may also be making a crucial security mistake.

Join us as we explore the dangers of a paper-based management system and the benefits of switching to a digital option through QQSolutions.


The Risks of a Paper-Based System

While it’s true that information online can be vulnerable without the proper security measures in place, storing information in a physical form can be just as dangerous, if not more so. Beyond theft, consider these potential factors:

  • Fire
  • Flooding
  • Human error
  • Organization issues
  • Faded text or ink
  • Incorrect information
  • Lack of the proper forms

All of these things are extremely possible when all of your client’s information is stored on-site. Insurance agencies live and die by the way the handle the sensitive information they take from their customers. One leak or issue can spell doom for a growing business. Don’t take any risks, switch to QQ Catalyst, the ultimate cloud-based solution.


The Benefits of a Digital Management System

The immediate benefits of a digital insurance agency management solution include an increase in efficiency, and more accessibility. Our cloud-based solution allows you to access the software from any device that is connected to the internet. In addition, there’s no need for software downloads or hardware upgrades.

Beyond these incredible benefits, security is the other major reason for making the change. Instead of storing your client’s information on-site, everything is uploaded to cloud servers that are monitored every hour of the day for 365 days each year. As another layer of security, we also store our software and your client information on separate servers at two different locations.

QQCatalyst is stored on Microsoft’s Azure cloud in a Tier-IV data center with both physical and cyber security in place. Customer information is stored on cloud servers via Amazon Web Services, which are monitored and encrypted. This two-tiered approach to security is something we pride ourselves in. Our team, composed of industry professionals, understands the importance of keeping your client’s information safe and secure.

Don’t take a chance with your client’s information. Switch to a digital agency management system today and enjoy both efficiency and peace of mind. With QQSolutions, you can rest assured that your small or medium-sized business is utilizing the finest software that is constantly evolving and improving while always keeping your security at the forefront.