Is Your Agency Management System Secure?


Data security is one of the most hot button topics in the insurance industry right now, and for good reason. As more and more agents switch over to an agency management system, the question of security becomes ever more pressing. Any given agency has vast amounts of sensitive customer information. A leak or breach can spell disaster, which is why you need to be certain that your system is secure.

Today we’ll take a look at some of the threats that agencies face, and how our management system here at QQSolutions addresses and prioritizes the security of your client’s information.

The Current State of Online Security

According to the Identity Theft Resource Center, over 800 million records have been stolen as a result of data breaches between 2005 and 2015. Modern insurance agencies store the names, address, birth dates, social security numbers, and even credit card numbers of their clients. All of this information is at risk if the proper security isn’t in place.

Many larger insurance agencies will sink massive sums of money into security solutions, but independent agencies don’t have this kind of capital to spend. A single data breach can ruin the reputation of a growing agency and cause permanent damage.

There are a number of possible scenarios that can affect your user data. Everything from flooding, to fires, to vandalism and theft can compromise your data. All of this, combined with the threat of a cyber attack in the form of a virus or malware, can breach your security.

Even if you have security in place for all of these things, physically storing your servers in the same location as your business leaves you vulnerable for something to happen to those servers. The costs needed to employ security guards, 24-hour monitoring, and all the other needed measures is simply too high for one agency to afford.

Security in the Cloud via QQCatalyst

The answer to these concerns comes in the form of a cloud-based agency management system. Here at QQSolutions, our solution, QQCatalyst, is a rock-solid software that stores all of your client’s information on secure servers in the cloud. We take a unique two-tiered approach where our software is hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud. These servers are monitored every hour of every day, 365 days a year.

To further provide security, we do not store your client’s information on the same servers as the program. Instead, that information is stored on a separate server in the Amazon Web Services cloud. Here security methods around backups, encryptions, and more are used to ensure that the information is secure.

By storing all of your data regarding agency management on cloud-based servers, you can ensure that the information is safe and secure without any chance of a breach in your home office. This peace of mind is beneficial not only to you, but to your clients as well. Build trust and stay safe with QQSolutions.