Personalizing Your Policy Holder Experience Through Customer Service

One of the greatest aspects of a small or medium-sized business is its ability to provide policy holders with personalized service. They aren’t bound by the chaos of a corporate setting and can focus on the people behind the names. Great customer service makes the client feel valued and appreciated. Personalization and top-notch service go hand-in-hand.

Today, we’ll look at ways that you can personalize your client’s experience and in turn provide him or her with stellar customer service.


Personalizing Your Client’s Experience

Personalizing the experience is about more than simply remembering a name. You should strive to provide clients with tailored advice and build trust to create a mutually beneficial business relationship. Let’s explore some ways to make that happen.

1. Build Relationships, Build Trust

We’ve all heard the classic saying, “You only do business with people you trust.” It’s true – especially with important and long-term decisions like insurance policies. A study done by the Africa Journal of Business Management mentioned two very important things: commitment grows with trust, and shared values play a major role.

“Shared values” simply means taking a specific approach that shows your clients you are genuinely interested in helping them and that you have the same goals. By placing yourself in their shoes, you can truly see how your work affects them on a daily basis. Information like this will only serve to continuously build trust.

Simply doing what’s asked of you is no longer enough. You need to ask questions of your clients, find out who they are, and personalize your approach specifically to their needs. Beyond speaking with them personally, provide them with courtesy calls when new information comes to light, or when you find additional information on a question they asked.

2. Connect to Clients Online

When you’re not with them in person or on the phone, your clients are still reachable. Take the business online and connect with them via social media sites like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. Creating professional profiles on these platforms will offer you and your clients yet another way to reach each other. This is also a place to garner new clients and establish valuable one-on-one connections. Once you have these established, provide links to all of your clients now and going forward. Post new information or updates on each of the pages, and post links to relevant items you find in your research.

By becoming an expert online, you build a credibility that will bring more clients to your office.


Utilize Technology to Reach Your Goals

Our cloud-based software, QQCatalyst, was designed from the beginning with customer service in mind. We built the program to be an industry-supported and streamlined product that would empower agents to better serve their clients. With their fingertips on the pulse of the industry, and their time freed up by no longer manually filling out forms, they are able to seek out new ways to personalize and maximize the customer service their clients receive.

The future is here, and QQCatalyst is the key. Sign up today for a 30-day free trial!