Stepping up Your Game—Why Agents Like You Switch to an Agency Management System

As insurance agencies grow, their technology doesn’t always grow with them. Technological changes happen quickly, but investing in a management system that can grow with your agency can help keep you one step ahead of the competition. Did you know that 80% of agencies use an agency management system? Source: IIABA Agency Universe Study, 2014Study, 2014

Heads up!

These red flags mean it’s time to think about a new agency management system:

• Do you have paper stacked everywhere?
• Are your customers calling you a second time looking for information?
• Do you have to re-enter the same customer information into different systems?
• Are you spending a lot of time issuing certificates of insurance instead of talking to clients?

In the following pages, we’re going to take you step by step through the process of choosing the right agency management system for your business. Let’s get to it.
