Top Two Ways Cloud Services Safely Store Your Agency Management System Data

In this day and age, privacy and security are of the utmost importance. As more and more of our personal information is stored digitally, customers are becoming far more aware and educated on how and where their data is being stored. Rightfully so, as many companies have suffered from hacks or leaks, which compromise the trust they have with their customers.

At QQSolutions, we’ve kept our client’s and their customer’s information secured for over twenty-five years. We designed our agency management system with privacy and security in mind, and partner with some of the most advanced technology available for online security. To find out more about exactly how we ensure you and your customer’s information is kept safe, keep reading.


A Two-Tiered Approach to Security

To ensure top-level security, we have taken a two-tiered approach for our agency management system. QQCatalyst, is a cloud-based software that is not installed or loaded onto your agency’s computers. Instead it is operated through an internet connection to the cloud. Knowing this, let’s explore how your security is maintained using QQCatalyst:

  1. Tier One: Cloud-Based Security

The concept of a cloud-based program provides a high level of security to the user and the information they input into the software. The issue of using a program that is physically installed into office computers is the potential for a computer to get stolen or hacked.

You could spend money on security programs, but even those aren’t as advanced as the ones used for cloud data centers. Instead of forcing unneeded costs on you, our program is stored safely in the Microsoft Azure cloud which is housed within a state-of-the-art Tier IV data center. These servers are monitored 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days each year.

  1. Tier Two: Separated Web Hosting For Data

To further ensure the safety of our clients information, we also use Amazon Web Services (AWS) as a second means of hosting all of the data inputted and utilized by QQCatalyst. By keeping the information and the application separated, we maximize security. AWS also employs a variety of tactics to ensure that the records hosted are safe and secure. For example, firewalls are used to create private networks within the cloud allowing us to control who can access the information. Data encryption is also utilized in multiple forms to keep the information from being accessed by an unauthorized user.


Final Thoughts

At QQSolutions one of our top priorities is innovation and we’ve strived to do this with security by separating the hosting for our data and our software, thus increasing the strength of privacy and safety for our clients. As always, we are focused on the well-being of our clients and we use our innovation to achieve that goal. Call us at 855-977-2228 or visit QQCatalyst to find out how we can improve your business and give your policy holders peace of mind.