Facebook Marketing Mistakes

It’s not spelled out for new members, but there are lots of poor ways to market your agency on Facebook. Try to avoid these behaviors.

Facebook may feel like the Wild West when you first launch your insurance agency’s page, and, it’s easy to get the hang of it, eventually. However, there are still tons of businesses breaking the unwritten rules of Facebook. There’s no harm done, but it’s just not very good marketing. For your own Facebook page, try to avoid making mistakes such as these:

Ignoring the fine print: Okay, this rule actually is written, but it still gets broken. Yes, anyone can join Facebook, but they do so by engaging in a Terms of Service agreement. Businesses are not immune to this; so, make sure you read that fine print (really, as an insurance agent, you should know this)! There are guidelines that dictate what types of pictures you are allowed to post, what types of contests you are allowed to run, and more. As long as you abide by Facebook’s guidelines, you’ll have nothing to worry about.

Posting tons of stuff: Some businesses struggle to come up with post ideas for their Facebook pages. If you don’t fall into that camp, you should still consider pacing yourself. More than one post per day can look like spam and you could wear out your welcome in your fans’ newsfeeds. Just remember: focus on quality over quantity. One great post per day is better than a few so-so ones.

Focusing only on likes: Sure, likes are great. The more you have, the more potential customers your messages are potentially reaching. However, you need to look at the bigger picture. Your content should be engaging users and striving for comments and shares as well. If you follow this advice, the likes will come naturally.

Loving text: Users aren’t very interested in big blocks of text. Try to think of creative ways to use images, videos, polls, and more. Lots of variety will keep users coming back for more.

Leaving out information: When you set up the Facebook page for your agency, fill out all of the information fields with as much detail as possible. If a user clicks on your About tab and it’s incomplete, it just doesn’t look professional.

If you watch out for these common mistakes and use your agency’s Facebook page to share quality content and engage with your customers, you’ll be on the path to success.