Our Favorite Custom Reports in QQ Catalyst

Find out how you can leverage custom reports in our new cloud-based agency management system, QQ Catalyst, to help grow your bottom line.

As an insurance agent, you have to juggle many responsibilities. How do you find the time to follow up on leads, update existing policies, and still make each individual customer feel as though they’re your only customer? To help, QQ Catalyst, our new cloud-based insurance agency management system, offers custom reporting that allows you to choose from a large library of standard reports and modify them to your specific needs. Read on for an insider’s perspective on which custom insurance reports are our favorites, and how you can utilize them to become more efficient. (You might even have spare time for a coffee break.)

To See Your Business at a Glance

Agency owners and executives love Catalyst’s exclusive customizable Dashboard, which provides a snapshot of their business at a glance. There are a wide variety of data-driven and graphical widgets you can add to your dashboard, which are actually “live reports.” For example, the Active Policies Widget shows a breakdown of all your active policies. The Active Premium Widget breaks down the premium your agency is pulling in via pie chart and bar graph. With Catalyst, crunching numbers is so easy that you’ll have to start finding other uses for your calculator…like a paperweight.

To Grow New Business

Reach out to qualified leads by utilizing the X-date widget available within Catalyst’s customizable Dashboard. This data-driven widget provides you with a daily reminder of when potential customers are approaching the expiration date on their current insurance policy. Closing a sale is all about timing, and this allows you to proactively reach out to leads when renewing their policy or switching providers is top-of-mind.

For Account Rounding and Cross-Selling to Existing Customers

Cross-selling opportunities are never overlooked with our “Cross-Selling Report.” For example, you may have a customer who has their car insurance through your agency, but not their homeowners insurance. If they own a home, they’re going to need homeowners insurance; so, why not get it from an insurance agency they already know and trust? It would also help them to streamline their insurance bills, by getting all of the coverages they need from the same place. Our “Cross-Selling Report” helps you to identify opportunities for account rounding, such as selling additional policies and adding coverages. As you know, turning mono-line clients into multi-line clients increases revenues and retention!

For Customer Retention

If you don’t know when your existing customers’ policies are expiring – watch out. Your competitors probably do. Show customers they made the right choice by being proactive. With our “Renewal Report”, you can track the policies approaching expiration, and reach out to them first. You can also use our Letter Templates to create a professional, custom letter to contact them about renewing. Our “Intent to Cancel Report” identifies policies flagged for cancelation due to unfulfilled conditions. These reports gives customer representatives a head’s up that allows them to reach out to the customer in an effort to keep their business.

Don’t see the report you’re looking for in Catalyst’s report library? No problem! Catalyst features a powerful and easy-to-use report writer. So, if don’t find the report you need, you can create one from scratch and save it to your agency’s report library for reuse anytime.